This training provides an introduction to the Infinium assay. It lists the steps of the Infinium assay, describes the biochemical mechanism of each step, and explains how different genotypes produce different fluorescence signals.
20 min
Recorded Webinar (October 2020) | Illumina Technical Support invites you to join us for an introduction to GenomeStudio Methylation analysis. This webinar is targeted at new and intermediate Infinium Methylation Assay users. Topics covered will include: Basic overview of Methylation Assay Workflow including Bisulfite Conversion, optional FFPE sample restoration, and Infinium assay chemistry, how to generate a GenomeStudio Methylation Module project using GenomeStudio v 2011.1, including options for normalization and analysis, evaluating built-in assay controls using the GenomeStudio Controls Dashboard and Bead Array Controls Reporter (BACR), and data visualization tools in GenomeStudio